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Information communication Technology | Programming fundamentals
KYA HOGA INDIA AUR PAKISTAN KA RESULT? KASHMIR: why India and pakistan fight over it.

Information communication Technology | Programming fundamentals

CLASS#1  ICT :        information communication technology WHAT IS INFORMATION ? information is the particular arrangement of things or data . OR The processing of data ,organized , structured or presented as to make them meaningful or useful.    NOW WHAT IS DATA? data is simply facts and figure . WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DATA AND INFORMATION? data is simply facts or figures -bits of information.but not information itself.when data are processed so as to make them meaningful or useful they are called information. NOW TYPES OF DATA: There are two types of data: 1: Alphabetical 2:numerical or digits or binary WHAT IS IT? .simply sending and receiving of data is called IT. .which uses high speed computers. .sending or receiving of data through computer or any communication devices.

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